Sunday 25 August 2013

Toy Story 3 in urdu

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Andy, now nearly 18 years old,[12] is leaving for college and his toys have not been played with in years. Andy decides to take Woody with him to college and puts Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the toys in a trash bag for storage in the attic. Andy's mother mistakes the bag for garbage and puts it on the curb. The toys escape and, believing Andy intended to throw them away, decide to climb in a donation box bound for Sunnyside Daycare. Woody follows the other toys and tries to explain that they were thrown out by mistake, but they refuse to believe him.
Andy's toys are welcomed by the many toys at Sunnyside and given a tour of the seemingly perfect play-setting by Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (simply known as Lotso), Big Baby, and Ken, whom Barbie falls in love with. All of the toys love their new home, and Woody leaves alone in an attempt to return to Andy. Woody's escape attempt falls short and he is found by Bonnie, one of the Sunnyside children. She takes him home and plays with him along with her other toys, who are well-treated, happy, and readily welcome Woody. At the daycare, meanwhile, a group of toddlers play with Andy's toys very roughly.
Buzz asks Lotso to move him and the others to the older children's room, only to be captured by Lotso's henchmen. Lotso, who controls Sunnyside with an iron fist, reveals that he sends new toys to distract Sunnyside's younger children to keep him and his henchmen safe, not caring whether the other toys get broken in the process. Seeing promise in Buzz, he resets him to his original space ranger persona. At the same time, Mrs Potato Head sees Andy searching for them through her missing eye left behind in Andy's room, which convinces the toys that Woody was right about Andy. Before they can leave, they are imprisoned by Lotso, his gang, and the reset Buzz. Woody learns from a toy clown named Chuckles that he, Lotso, and Big Baby once had a beloved owner named Daisy. When Daisy one day lost Lotso, Big Baby, and Chuckles, they eventually found their way back to Daisy's house, only to find that she replaced Lotso with an identical teddy bear, since then, Lotso no longer cares for children. When he found Sunnyside, he and Big Baby took it over and ran it like a prison.
The following morning, Woody returns to Sunnyside through Bonnie's backpack and apologizes to his friends. That night, the toys execute a daring escape plan, and in the process they accidentally reset Buzz into a delusional Spanish mode, in which his memory remains wiped but he becomes flamboyantly chivalrous; despite this, Buzz allies himself with Woody and immediately falls in love with Jessie. The toys reach a dumpster, but are caught by Lotso and his gang. As a garbage truck approaches, Woody reveals what he learned about Lotso. Lotso reveals that he now believes that toys are meant to be thrown away; leading to an enraged Big Baby to throw Lotso into the dumpster. Seeking revenge, Lotso pulls Woody into the dumpster just as the truck collects the trash. Woody's friends fall into the back of the truck trying to rescue him and a falling television hits Buzz when he saves Jessie, returning him to his normal self. The toys find themselves at the dump and eventually wind up on a conveyor belt leading to a giant incinerator. Woody and Buzz then help Lotso�whom they saved earlier�reach an emergency stop button, only to have Lotso abandon them. Believing the end is near, the toys join hands and accept their fate, but are soon rescued by the Aliens operating a large industrial claw. Lotso makes his way outside, but a passing garbage truck driver finds him, recognizing he had the same toy as a kid, straps him to the radiator grill of his truck. Meanwhile, Woody and his friends board another garbage truck driven by an adult Sid Phillips back to Andy's house.
In Andy's room, Woody climbs back into the box with Andy's college supplies while the other toys ready themselves for the attic. Woody instead leaves a note for Andy on the toys' box. Andy, thinking the note is from his mother, takes them to Bonnie's house and introduces her to his old toys. Bonnie recognizes Woody who, to Andy's surprise, is lying at the bottom of the box. Though initially reluctant, Andy passes him on to Bonnie, and then spends some time playing with her and the toys before leaving. The film ends with Woody and his friends watching Andy's departure and beginning their new lives with Bonnie.
During the credits, Woody and the other toys learn through notes passed on in Bonnie's backpack that Barbie, Ken, and Big Baby have improved the lives of the toys at Sunnyside.

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