Friday 30 August 2013

Kung Fu Panda-Sight For Sore Eyes in urdu

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At Mr. Ping's noodle shop, Po waited tables and was shown to be unusually depressed. After despairing how he was no longer the Dragon Warrior, Mr. Ping explained to a curious customer that the Furious Five had also lost their positions as warriors of the Jade Palace, and were reduced to work as entertainers for children's birthday parties. Furthermore, Shifu had disappeared and had not been seen for days. Po retreated to his room to unhappily sit and reflect on the events that lead to the present.
Weeks prior, he and the Five had been rehearsing for the "Presentation of the Seven Forms" by performing the "Pyramid of Fortitude", which required the Five to create a balanced pyramid together, on top of which Po would be balanced. In the practice of this form, however, Po caused the pyramid to topple with his own addition of a one-handed spin. Shifu was displeased by this, insisting that the form had to be carried out in the traditional manner, as it was to be performed for Masters Chao and Junjie of the Sacred Onyx Council , who once trained alongside Shifu under Oogway. Shifu stressed that the quality of the presentation would be a judgement of his abilities as a teacher, and that his students must not do anything to embarrass him (stressing this especially to Po).
At that exact moment, Chao and Junjie suddenly arrived, and Po greeted them, displaying his fanboy mannerisms, which left the two masters less than impressed. Chao then stated to Shifu that it was time to partake in the "Masters' Ceremonial Sparring". Po was eager to see this, yet Shifu insisted that he was not yet ready to witness it. Disappointed, Po left to sulk on the stairs, where Junjie assured him that he should be allowed to watch them spar, as he was the Dragon Warrior. He offered to leave the door open for Po to peek in and watch.
That night, Po sneaked to the front doors of the Jade Palace to witness the masters' sparring. After a silent, meditative moment, Shifu, Junjie, and Chao all launched into the air on streams of colored light, and sparred rhythmically in the air and on the ground, much to Po's fascination. At one point, however, Junjie broke the rhythm of the controlled sparring to deal Shifu a brutal kick to the chest, earning a reprimand from Chao. After a brief, snide remark from the red panda, Junjie continued to attack, and noticed that Po was watching the fight from the door. The fox then startled his fellow masters by performing the Golden Lotus Clap � a move that, if viewed with open eyes, blinded any who witnessed it.
Shifu and Chao looked away while Po was blown back from his perch outside the door, and instantly found himself completely blind. Unaware of this, Chao told Shifu it was time for his students to perform the Presentation of the Seven Forms. The Five quickly reported to the Hall of Warriors, and Tigress, unaware of Po's condition, dragged the sightless panda in with them. Under the scrutiny of the masters, the Pyramid of Fortitude was performed flawlessly, until Po, unable to see, ran in and ultimately wrecked the entire presentation. The masters quickly figured that Po had been blinded from spying on their sparring match and, once Po's eyesight was restored with the Golden Lotus Clap, Chao berated Shifu on the inability to maintain discipline among his students. Despite Po's protest, Chao reluctantly announced that Shifu was no longer fit to be master of the Jade Palace, and demoted him on the spot.
Po tried again to defend his master, which prompted Shifu to scold him for questioning Chao's decisions, and he dishearteningly accepted Chao's judgement, leaving the palace and ordering his students to do as Chao and Junjie commanded them. Before Chao departed, he announced Junjie was the new Master of the Jade Palace and that Po and the Five were bound by honor to obey him. The fox claimed that he would restore the Jade Palace to even greater glory than it was before. As soon as Chao left, however, Junjie bluntly gave Po and the Five the command to "Get out". Five clouded leopards quickly appeared at Junjie's side, and the fox smugly remarked that Po and the Five have been replaced and were no longer needed. Po again tried to protest, but the Five were intent to keep their promise to Shifu and remain obedient to Junjie, and left quietly without resistance. Before walking away from Po, Tigress rebuked him for disobeying Shifu's orders and essentially ruining everything they had all worked their lives towards as warriors, finally stating that she and the rest of the Five were "through with [him]."
Back in the present, Po ruminated on just how much he had messed things up. In hopes of cheering him up, Mr. Ping sent Po to take an order delivery to the Jade Palace. Po complied, though as he neared the palace with his delivery, he overheard a conversation inside. Peeking in through the door, he noticed that Junjie had been busy redesigning the palace's interior with motifs of him defeating Shifu, and the fox himself saying how he was going to destroy Shifu. Furthermore, Shifu was being held prisoner in the catacombs beneath the palace, and Po barely avoided being caught by the clouded leopards when Junjie heard him at the door. Panicked, Po hurried back down to the Valley and explained the situation to his father. Though he tried to convince the Furious Five to help him, they refused to hear him out and angrily rejected the panda.
Despite his father's worries, Po decided to save Shifu himself, and headed back to the palace. After sneaking into the main hall, however, Junjie discovered him. Po prepared to fight Junjie, telling him he was going to bust Shifu out, yet both were surprised when Chao, who had come to check on Junjie's progress, appeared, now aware of the fox's treachery. Chao was quickly brought down with a barrage of arrows to the back, and Po hurried to help the lizard master, which distracted him long enough for Junjie to knock out the panda with a kick to the head.
Meanwhile, Mr. Ping had gone to find the Furious Five, who were still working their birthday party gigs. He explained to them what had happened to Po and Shifu, and though hesitant at first, they were eventually persuaded by Mr. Ping to help Po. Back at the palace, Po woke in the catacombs and found himself chained up along with Chao and Shifu. Po apologized to his master, and Shifu apologized as well, telling Po that he had returned to face Junjie after pretending to leave the palace, but was defeated when Junjie released his leopard students on him. He also admitted to Po that if he hadn't been so hard-put to follow tradition, perhaps they wouldn't have found themselves in this situation. After this, Po quickly came up with an idea and performed the Golden Lotus Clap, which allowed him to break his own chains, but also blinded him yet again, as he had forgotten to close his eyes in the process.
Up in the main hall, Junjie and his students felt the pulse from the clap, but were stopped from storming the catacombs when the Furious Five showed up and engaged them in battle. Junjie ordered his leopard students to take them while he escaped to the catacombs. Finding Po blind and freed from his bonds, Junjie attacked the stumbling panda, after which Po got the idea of dousing the torch in the room, plunging both him and Junjie into complete darkness. However, Po was able to smell where Junjie was due to the garlic chow mein he'd delivered to the palace the previous day, and used this to gain the upper hand over Junjie. Up above, the Five managed to dispatch the leopards, and raced for the catacombs to help Po, finding him and a chained Junjie on the scene when they arrived.
Later, out in front of the Jade Palace, Chao restored Shifu as Master of the Jade Palace, and expressed his gratefulness to Po for teaching them that "sometimes doing the right thing is more important than following the old rules". He departed, unceremoniously kicking a bound Junjie and his leopard students down the stairs, and proceeding to take them to Chorh-Gom Prison. Po then bragged that he had actually managed to teach Shifu something, suggesting this meant he would get more respect from now on. Shifu responded by saying he now respected Po so much that he wouldn't insult him by fixing his eyesight for him. Alarmed at first, Po claimed he could fix it himself, proving this by promptly tripping down the stairs.

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Thursday 29 August 2013

Kung Fu Panda-Scorpion's Sting in urdu

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"Tigress has River Fever and it's up to Po and Monkey to bring back the cure. Unfortunately they have to travel into deadly Scorpion territory to get it[;] and furthermore, Scorpion has brainwashed Monkey into becoming her assassin and programmed him to attack Po
Po practiced his Kung Fu skills in the Training Hall with orders given by Shifu to make it across the obstacle course in ten seconds unscathed. Po was jumped in a sneak attack by Monkey, who was about to beat Po in their score-keeping, when Tigress suddenly interrupted them with a loud sneeze, to which she promptly fell into the obstacle course and caused the three of them to fly out onto the other side. Po and Monkey then joke around with the "sneezy trick", making light of Tigress's cold-like symptoms. She openly denied having a cold, and it was discerned by Shifu that she actually had River Fever. Po then convinced the Masters not to worry, stating that he once had River Fever as a kid and it went away the very next day. Unfortunately to Po's shock, Crane revealed that getting River Fever as an adult was fatal and that the only cure was tea made from the sacred sun orchid, located in the Valley of the Scorpion. In addition, the flower must be consumed before sundown or else Tigress would die. Monkey and Po set off to retrieve it while Tigress was reluctantly placed in a sick ward with sick children and Mr. Ping as entertainment, much to Tigress' dismay.
Upon entering the valley, Scorpion trapped Monkey unexpectedly and stung him with her elixir-enhanced, mind-controlling stinger, ordering him to set out to destroy Po. Po managed to escape Monkey's attempts to destroy him, not realizing that he was being manipulated, and took it as a friendly session of sneak attack training. However, Po soon realized the truth and eventually became cornered by Monkey, and hung on to a cliff, about to fall to his death. But thanks to the "poison of friendship", Monkey overcame the mind control and they both set out to fight Scorpion. They eventually defeated her (thanks to Po's unexpected sneak attack he had learned from Shifu), retrieved the sun orchid, and then quickly rushed back to the Valley of Peace, arriving at the Training Hall just before sundown. Tigress consumed the orchid and nothing was happening. Everyone looked down sadly, believing she was dead. But she then jumped up and was immediately cured, and Po and Monkey continued to joke and try to outdo each other, with Monkey declaring a point as he tricked Po into putting peppers in his eyes.

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kung Fu Panda-Challenge Day in urdu

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Po has recently started to become lazy, evidenced when he skips meditation training to tie up a hammock and nap in it, much to Shifu's chagrin when the panda states that his lazing about wouldn't change the fact that he was the Dragon Warrior. Realising that Po has begun to take his title for granted, Shifu begins thinking of a solution, and finally hits on an idea when Zeng mentions that Po would always be the Dragon Warrior no matter what.
After telling Zeng to send a message down to the village, and sending the Furious Five to the hot springs for the day, Shifu tells Po to go down to the village and get him an apple. Perplexed by the mediocre task, Po goes down to the village, and inexplicably finds himself under attack from the villagers. While hiding, Po encounters Shifu and Zeng, and is stunned when Shifu reveals that today is Dragon Warrior Challenge Day: anyone who can defeat Po before sundown takes his title. With that in mind, Po is faced with the problem of evading and fighting off the hostile villagers (and even his father temporarily) for the rest of the day. When Po rushes off, it is revealed that Challenge Day doesn't exist: Shifu made it up in order to teach Po a lesson. While Zeng has misgivings, Shifu assures him that with the Five gone, there is no-one in the Valley powerful enough to defeat Po.
However, in Chorh-Gom Prison, Hundun receives word of Challenge Day from one of the guards. Delighted by the opportunity to get revenge on Po, Hundun manages to knock out the guards and blow up his cell door with one of his new 'horn' gadgets, and then make his escape.
Back in the Valley, Po is still evading the villagers when a rabbit child attempts to attack from above, only for the chimney he is standing on to collapse. Po catches the child as he falls, and to protect him from getting crushed, allows the chimney to fall on him. Though the child is unharmed, Po is left with an injured leg, but the villagers, instead of attacking him again, stand down after seeing once again why Po is the Dragon Warrior. The happy moment is cut short when Hundun arrives. Taking advantage of Po's injury, Hundun defeats Po with little effort.
Triumphant, Hundun then makes his way up to the Jade Palace to proclaim his victory, only for a surprised Shifu to reveal that Challenge Day was made up, and so Hundun is no more the Dragon Warrior than Zeng. At first, Hundun is furious, but then realises that Shifu is the only one who knows the truth. He proceeds to knock Shifu out with darts shot from his artificial horn, and lock him and Zeng in a nearby closet.

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Wednesday 28 August 2013

ParaNorman in urdu

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In the small town of Blithe Hollow, Massachusetts, a boy named Norman Babcock (Kodi Smit-McPhee) is able to speak with the dead, including his late grandmother (Elaine Stritch) and various ghosts in town. Almost no one believes him and he is isolated emotionally from his family while being ridiculed by his peers.
Norman becomes friends with Neil Downe (Tucker Albrizzi), an overweight boy who is bullied himself and finds Norman a kindred spirit. During rehearsal of a school play commemorating the town's witch execution of three centuries ago, Norman has a vision of the town's past and being pursued as a witch by the town's citizenry. Afterward, the boys are confronted by Norman's estranged and seemingly deranged uncle Mr. Prenderghast (John Goodman) who tells his nephew that he soon must take up his regular ritual to protect the town. Soon after this encounter, Prenderghast dies.
Norman soon has another vision, creating a public spectacle of himself, which leads to his father (Jeff Garlin) grounding him. His mother (Leslie Mann) tells him that his father's stern manner is because he is afraid for him. The next day, Norman is confronted by the Prenderghast's ghost who tells him that the ritual must be performed with a certain book before sundown that day. Norman sets off to retrieve the book. He then goes to the graves of the five men and two women who were cursed by the witch they condemned, but finds the book is merely a series of fairy tales.
Alvin (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), a school bully, interferes with the reading until after sundown. A ghostly storm resembling the witch appears in the air while the cursed dead arise and pursue the boys until they meet Norman's sister, Courtney (Anna Kendrick), Neil and his older brother, Mitch (Casey Affleck), who have come to retrieve Norman. The kids are pursued by the zombies into town, but Norman contacts classmate Salma (Hannah Noyes) for help, who tells them to access the Town Hall's archives for the location of the witch's unmarked grave.
As the kids make their way to the Town Hall, the zombies are attacked by the citizenry. During the riot, the kids break into the archives but cannot find the information they need. As the mob moves to attack Town Hall, the witch storm appears and Norman climbs the Hall's tower to read the book, but the witch strikes it with lightning and causes him to fall back down into the archives.
Unconscious, Norman has a dream where he learns that the witch was Agatha Prenderghast (Jodelle Micah Ferland), a little girl of his age who was also a medium. Norman also learns that Agatha was wrongfully convicted by the town council after they mistook her powers as witchcraft. After awakening, Norman encounters the zombies and realizes that they were the same town council who convicted Agatha. The zombies then admit that they only wanted to speak with him to ensure he would take up the ritual to minimize the harm of the mistake they made towards Agatha.
Norman attempts to help the zombies slip away to have them guide him to Agatha's grave, but are cornered by the mob. Courtney confronts the crowd and convinces them to back off. Judge Hopkins (Bernard Hill) guides Norman's family to the grave in a forest. Before the grave is reached, Agatha's magic separates Norman from the others.
Norman finds the grave and interacts with Agatha in the spirit dimension, determined to stop the cataclysmic tantrum she had been having over the years. She asks him to leave her be, but Norman holds his ground, telling her he understands how she feels as an outcast. Norman endures her assault and eventually convinces her that her vengeance is accomplishing nothing and persuades her to stop. Norman tells her that there must have been someone who was kind to her.
Agatha recalls happy memories with her mother. She is able to find a measure of peace and move on to the afterlife. The storm dissipates, and she and the zombies all fade away. The town cleans up and regards Norman as a hero. At the end, Norman watches a horror film with the ghost of his grandmother, and his family joins him.

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Monday 26 August 2013

Kung Fu Panda-Father Crime in urdu

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Sunday 25 August 2013

Toy Story 3 in urdu

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Andy, now nearly 18 years old,[12] is leaving for college and his toys have not been played with in years. Andy decides to take Woody with him to college and puts Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the toys in a trash bag for storage in the attic. Andy's mother mistakes the bag for garbage and puts it on the curb. The toys escape and, believing Andy intended to throw them away, decide to climb in a donation box bound for Sunnyside Daycare. Woody follows the other toys and tries to explain that they were thrown out by mistake, but they refuse to believe him.
Andy's toys are welcomed by the many toys at Sunnyside and given a tour of the seemingly perfect play-setting by Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (simply known as Lotso), Big Baby, and Ken, whom Barbie falls in love with. All of the toys love their new home, and Woody leaves alone in an attempt to return to Andy. Woody's escape attempt falls short and he is found by Bonnie, one of the Sunnyside children. She takes him home and plays with him along with her other toys, who are well-treated, happy, and readily welcome Woody. At the daycare, meanwhile, a group of toddlers play with Andy's toys very roughly.
Buzz asks Lotso to move him and the others to the older children's room, only to be captured by Lotso's henchmen. Lotso, who controls Sunnyside with an iron fist, reveals that he sends new toys to distract Sunnyside's younger children to keep him and his henchmen safe, not caring whether the other toys get broken in the process. Seeing promise in Buzz, he resets him to his original space ranger persona. At the same time, Mrs Potato Head sees Andy searching for them through her missing eye left behind in Andy's room, which convinces the toys that Woody was right about Andy. Before they can leave, they are imprisoned by Lotso, his gang, and the reset Buzz. Woody learns from a toy clown named Chuckles that he, Lotso, and Big Baby once had a beloved owner named Daisy. When Daisy one day lost Lotso, Big Baby, and Chuckles, they eventually found their way back to Daisy's house, only to find that she replaced Lotso with an identical teddy bear, since then, Lotso no longer cares for children. When he found Sunnyside, he and Big Baby took it over and ran it like a prison.
The following morning, Woody returns to Sunnyside through Bonnie's backpack and apologizes to his friends. That night, the toys execute a daring escape plan, and in the process they accidentally reset Buzz into a delusional Spanish mode, in which his memory remains wiped but he becomes flamboyantly chivalrous; despite this, Buzz allies himself with Woody and immediately falls in love with Jessie. The toys reach a dumpster, but are caught by Lotso and his gang. As a garbage truck approaches, Woody reveals what he learned about Lotso. Lotso reveals that he now believes that toys are meant to be thrown away; leading to an enraged Big Baby to throw Lotso into the dumpster. Seeking revenge, Lotso pulls Woody into the dumpster just as the truck collects the trash. Woody's friends fall into the back of the truck trying to rescue him and a falling television hits Buzz when he saves Jessie, returning him to his normal self. The toys find themselves at the dump and eventually wind up on a conveyor belt leading to a giant incinerator. Woody and Buzz then help Lotso�whom they saved earlier�reach an emergency stop button, only to have Lotso abandon them. Believing the end is near, the toys join hands and accept their fate, but are soon rescued by the Aliens operating a large industrial claw. Lotso makes his way outside, but a passing garbage truck driver finds him, recognizing he had the same toy as a kid, straps him to the radiator grill of his truck. Meanwhile, Woody and his friends board another garbage truck driven by an adult Sid Phillips back to Andy's house.
In Andy's room, Woody climbs back into the box with Andy's college supplies while the other toys ready themselves for the attic. Woody instead leaves a note for Andy on the toys' box. Andy, thinking the note is from his mother, takes them to Bonnie's house and introduces her to his old toys. Bonnie recognizes Woody who, to Andy's surprise, is lying at the bottom of the box. Though initially reluctant, Andy passes him on to Bonnie, and then spends some time playing with her and the toys before leaving. The film ends with Woody and his friends watching Andy's departure and beginning their new lives with Bonnie.
During the credits, Woody and the other toys learn through notes passed on in Bonnie's backpack that Barbie, Ken, and Big Baby have improved the lives of the toys at Sunnyside.

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Saturday 24 August 2013

Toy Story 2 in urdu

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A few years after the events in Toy Story, Woody prepares to go to cowboy camp with Andy, but his right arm is accidentally ripped. Andy decides to leave him behind, and his mother puts him on the shelf. After Woody has a nightmare about Andy throwing him in a trashcan full of arms, he discovers that a penguin toy named Wheezy has been on the shelf for months because of a broken squeaker. When Woody saves Wheezy from a yard sale, he is stolen by a toy collector whom Buzz Lightyear and the other toys recognize from a commercial as Al McWhiggin, the greedy owner of a toy shop called Al's Toy Barn. Buzz, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, and Rex set out to rescue Woody.
In Al's apartment, Woody discovers that he is a valuable collectible based on a 1950's TV show called Woody's Roundup, and is set to be sold to a toy museum in Tokyo, Japan. The other toys from the show - Jessie the yodeling cowgirl, Woody's horse Bullseye, and Stinky Pete the Prospector, are excited about the trip, but Woody intends to go home because he is Andy's toy. Jessie, who is afraid of the dark, is upset with him as the museum will only be interested in the collection if Woody's in it; without him, they will go back into storage. That night, when Woody's whole arm comes off, his attempt to retrieve it and escape is foiled when the TV comes on. Woody, seeing the remote in front of Jessie, accuses her of sabotaging his escape despite her denying it. The following morning, Woody's arm is reconnected and he learns that Jessie was once the beloved toy of a child named Emily who eventually outgrew and gave her away. Stinky Pete morosely warns him that the same fate awaits him when Andy grows up and tells him that he'll last forever in the museum. This convinces Woody to stay, now believing that all toys eventually get discarded by their owners.
Meanwhile, Buzz and the other toys reach Al's Toy Barn. While searching the store for Woody, Buzz is imprisoned by a newer Buzz Lightyear action figure with a belt, that thinks itself a real space ranger, as Buzz did in the original film. The new Buzz joins the other toys, mistaking him as their Buzz, and they make their way to Al's apartment after discovering his plan. The real Buzz escapes from Al's Toy Barn and pursues them but unknowingly releases an action figure of his archenemy Emperor Zurg who follows him. Buzz rejoins the others, proving he's the real Buzz, as they find Woody, who refuses to return because he wants to avoid the fate of getting discarded by Andy. Buzz reminds Woody of "a toy's true purpose" and warns him that in the museum, he will never be played by a child again. After seeing himself played by a boy on the television, Woody changes his mind and asks the Roundup toys to come with him. However, Stinky Pete prevents their escape and reveals that he wants to go to Japan because he spent his life on a dime store shelf and was never sold. To ensure this, he made sure Woody would not go home, also revealing that he was responsible for sabotaging his escape the previous night and framed Jessie for it.
Al arrives and takes Woody and the Roundup toys with him, forcing both Buzz Lightyears and Andy's toys to follow him. They reach an elevator where they encounter Zurg who fights the new Buzz until he is knocked off the elevator by Rex. When they reach the ground floor, the new Buzz stays to play with Zurg once he discovers that Zurg is his father while Buzz and the other toys continue their pursuit of Al. Accompanied by three toy Aliens, they steal a Pizza Planet delivery truck and follow Al to Tri-County International Airport where they enter the baggage processing area to find Woody and the Roundup toys. Stinky Pete rips Woody's right arm and tries to mutilate him, but is stuffed into a little girl's Barbie backpack by Buzz and the other toys. While Woody and Bullseye are saved, Jessie ends up on the plane for Japan. Assisted by Buzz and Bullseye, Woody boards the plane and convinces Jessie to come with them to Andy's house, only for the plane to start up before they can escape. However, they leave through an emergency hatch with help from Woody's pullstring, landing on Bullseye just as the plane takes off, allowing the toys to go home.
Andy returns home from cowboy camp and repairs Woody's torn arm. Thinking his mother bought Jessie, Bullseye, and the Aliens, Andy accepts them as his new toys. The toys also learn from a commercial that Al's business has suffered due to his failure to sell the Roundup toys. As Jessie and Bullseye delight in having a new owner, Woody tells Buzz that he is not worried about Andy discarding him, because when he does, they will always have each other for company. Meanwhile, Wheezy has also been fixed and ends the film with a Sinatra style version of "You've Got a Friend in Me."

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Friday 23 August 2013

Toy Story in urdu

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Woody (Tom Hanks) is a pull-string cowboy doll and leader of a group of toys that belong to a boy named Andy Davis (John Morris), which act lifeless when humans are present. With his family moving homes one week before his birthday, Andy is given a week early party to spend with his friends. The toys stage a reconnaissance mission to discover Andy's new presents. Andy receives a space ranger Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) action figure, whose impressive features see him replacing Woody as Andy's favorite toy. Woody is resentful, especially as Buzz also gets attention from the other toys. However Buzz believes himself to be a real space ranger on a mission to return to his home planet, as Woody fails to convince him he is a toy.
Andy prepares for a family outing at the space themed Pizza Planet restaurant. His mother tells him he can only bring one toy. Woody attempts to be picked instead of Buzz by trapping Buzz in a gap behind Andy's desk, but the plan goes disastrously wrong when he accidentally knocks Buzz out the window, resulting in the other toys accusing him of murdering Buzz out of jealousy. With Buzz missing, Andy takes Woody to Pizza Planet, but Buzz climbs into the car and confronts Woody when they stop at a gas station. The two fight and fall out of the car, which drives off and leaves them behind. Woody spots a truck bound for Pizza Planet and plans to rendezvous with Andy there, convincing Buzz to come with him by telling him it will take him to his home planet. Once at Pizza Planet, Buzz makes his way into a claw game machine shaped like a spaceship, thinking it to be the ship Woody promised him. Inside, he finds squeaky aliens who revere the claw arm as their master. Woody clambers into the machine after Buzz, but they are interrupted when Andy's neighbor Sid Phillips (Erik von Detten), arrives and operates the machine. Spotting a Buzz Lightyear amidst the squeaky aliens, Sid maneuvers the claw to pick up Buzz. In the ensuing struggle the aliens force Buzz and Woody towards the claw, and they are captured. Woody is horrified because of Sid's reputation for torturing and destroying toys.
At Sid's house, the two attempt to escape before Andy's moving day, encountering Sid�s nightmarish toy creations and his vicious dog, Scud. Buzz sees a commercial for Buzz Lightyear action figures and realizes that he really is a toy. Disbelieving, he attempts to fly, but instead falls and loses his left arm. Going into depression, Buzz becomes unable to cooperate with Woody. Woody waves Buzz�s arm from a window to seek help from the toys in Andy�s room, but they are horrified thinking Woody had murdered Buzz when they see Buzz's disconnected arm, while Woody realizes Sid's toys are friendly when they reconnect Buzz's arm. Sid prepares to destroy Buzz by strapping him to a rocket, but is delayed that evening by a thunderstorm. Woody convinces Buzz that life is worth living because of the joy he can bring to Andy, which helps Buzz regain his spirit. Cooperating with Sid's toys, Woody rescues Buzz and scares Sid away by 'breaking a few rules' and coming to life in front of him, warning him to never torture toys again. Woody and Buzz then wave goodbye to the mutant toys and return home through a fence, but miss Andy�s car as it drives away to his new house.
Down the road, they climb onto the moving truck containing Andy�s other toys, but Scud chases them, bites down on Woody's leg and tries to pull him off. Buzz tackles the dog to save Woody. Woody attempts to rescue Buzz with Andy's RC car but the other toys, who think Woody had now got rid of RC together with Buzz, attack Woody and toss him off onto the road. After Scud is trapped in a car pile up, Woody drives RC back with Buzz alive, and the other toys try to help them get in the truck, realising their mistake. However they fail as RC's batteries become depleted but Woody ignites the rocket on Buzz's back and manages to throw RC into the moving truck before they soar into the air. Buzz opens his wings to cut himself free before the rocket explodes, gliding with Woody to land safely into a box in Andy�s car. Andy looks into it and is elated to have found his two missing toys.
On Christmas Day at their new house, Buzz and Woody stage another reconnaissance mission to prepare for the new toy arrivals, one of which is a Mrs. Potato Head, much to the delight of Mr. Potato Head. As Woody jokingly asks what might be worse than Buzz, the two share a worried smile as they discover Andy's new gift is a puppy.

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Thursday 22 August 2013

Yogi Bear in urdu

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Yogi (Voiced by Dan Aykroyd) and Boo Boo (Voiced by Justin Timberlake) are two brown bears who have a penchant for stealing picnic baskets from visitors to Jellystone Park, while park rangers Smith (Tom Cavanagh) and Jones (T.J. Miller) are preventing them to do so. Meanwhile, Mayor R. Brown (Andrew Daly) realizes that Franklin City is facing bankruptcy due to profligate spending on his part. To solve it and fund his election campaign to be the next governor, the mayor decides to select Jellystone as a logging site, and Jellystone is prepared to be shut down.
To save the park, Ranger Smith holds a Centennial festival where he hopes to make a profit selling Season Passes. To sabotage the effort, Mayor Brown plays on Ranger Jones' desire to be head ranger and promises him the position if the funds are not raised. Yogi and Boo Boo had promised Smith to stay out of sight during the festival, but Jones convinces them otherwise. They try to please the crowd with a waterskiing performance, but Yogi inadvertently sets his cape on fire, causing the fireworks Smith set up to be knocked over and ignited prematurely, launching them into the crowd, who flee in a panic. After Jellystone is shut down, Ranger Smith is forced to stay in Evergreen Park, a small urban enclave choked with litter and pollution, but not after he tells Yogi that Yogi is not as smart as he thinks he is. Now seeing that their home is in danger of being destroyed, Yogi and Boo Boo travel to Evergreen Park and tell Smith about this, where he places the clues that Mayor Brown had given him, that Brown and his chief of staff (Nate Corddry) are planning to cut down Jellystone and its trees to make money. They return to Jellystone, and along with Rachel plan to stop the sale of the park. They learn that Boo Boo's pet turtle is a rare and endangered species, which means that, by law, the Park cannot be destroyed if the turtle is residing there. Ranger Jones then turns over Mayor Brown and teams up with Smith, Rachel, and the bears, after learning that he has been manipulated. Mayor Brown then learns about this and has his guards steal the turtle and confronts the group, stating that power is more convincing than the law.
After Mayor Brown leaves for his conference, Rachel reveals that she had installed a camera in Boo Boo's bow tie, which recorded Mayor Brown's confession. The turtle manages to escape from Brown's Chief of Staff by using his frog-like tongue to pull itself through the car window and out into the park. Yogi an Boo Boo keep the guards distracted so Ranger Smith can upload the confession in the Jumbotron. When the confession is played, the crowd riots, and Brown attempts to tell them that the turtle does not exist, but the turtle manages to get into the conference. The people then learn about the park having an endangered species. Police officers arrest Mayor Brown and his guards for his crime; his chief of staff attempts to escape, but is pinned down by Rachel and he's arrested as well. The park then becomes a great success. Jones loses his position as head ranger and Smith takes it back. But Jones still works there, handing out flyers about how Jellystone Park has a rare and endangered turtle, while Rachel and Ranger Smith admit their feelings for each other. However after they kiss, they start chasing after Yogi and Boo Boo, who are back to stealing picnic baskets once again.

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Wednesday 21 August 2013

Bal Hanuman-Return Of Domo in urdu

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Tuesday 20 August 2013

chota bheem-chota bheem and ganesh in the amazing odyssey

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Monday 19 August 2013

Chota Bheem-The Genie's Out Of Bottle in urdu

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One day while on the Dholakpur beach, Kalia unwittingly releases a genie trapped in a bottle. The Genie trapped in a bottle. The genie appears but instead of granting wishes, (as is the case normally) traps Kalia makes him a slave. Things get worse when the Genie makes a palace for himself & captures the King & his army along with Bheem`s friends. All hope seems lost as the Genie looks invincible due to his magic powers. How does Chhota Bheem help save Dholakpur? What happens to the Genie?

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Saturday 17 August 2013

Chota Bheem-Nagmani in urdu

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Chota Bheem-Queen Chutki in urdu

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Bheem and his friends decide to make a trip to Shambha, a kingdom near Dholakpur. During their visit, the speaker of Shambha mentions about the royal crown, which could only be worn by someone whose head fits perfectly into it. Excited to become leader of the Shambha kingdom, the kids try the crown one-by-one. As luck would have it, the crown fits Chutki?s head perfectly. The people of Shambha then isolate Chutki from her friends and start treating her as their Queen, while the rest of the kids are ordered out of the fort. Chutki is trapped in the kingdom of Shambha. ; Is Bheem able to rescue her? Does Chutki ever return to Dholakpur?

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Chota Bheem-Trouble In The Box in urdu

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Chota Bheem-The Bull From Spain in urdu

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Chota Bheem-Revenge Of The Ants in urdu

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"When Tuntun punishes one ant for stealing her laddoos, a whole colony of ants comes charging at her shop. Soon the ants attack the other shops in the village too, and start destroying everything that comes their way, creating a menace.Dholkapur is under revenge attack.How will Bheem save his village this time?

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Chota Bheem-Babban's Little Sher

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Friday 16 August 2013

Chota Bheem-Whirlpool in urdu

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Chota Bheem-Enter The Dragon in urdu

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Chota Bheem-The Robot in urdu

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Chota Bheem-Tun Tun The Wrestlerin urdu

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Chota Bheem-The Scientists Meet in urdu

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Chota Bheem-The Phoenix in urdu

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Thursday 15 August 2013

Walle in urdu

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WALL-E (stylized with an interpunct as WALL�E) is a 2008 American CGI science-fiction romantic comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He falls in love with another robot named EVE, who also has a programmed task, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity. Both robots exhibit an appearance of free will and emotions similar to humans, which develop further as the film progresses.
After directing Finding Nemo, Stanton felt Pixar had created believable simulations of underwater physics and was willing to direct a film largely set in space. Most of the characters do not have actual human voices, but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds, designed by Ben Burtt, that resemble voices. In addition, it is the first animated feature by Pixar to have segments featuring live-action characters.
Walt Disney Pictures released it in the United States and Canada on June 27, 2008. The film grossed $23.2 million on its opening day, and $63.1 million during its opening weekend in 3,992 theaters, ranking number one at the box office. This ranks as the fifth highest-grossing opening weekend for a Pixar film. Following Pixar tradition, WALL-E was paired with a short film, Presto, for its theatrical release.
WALL-E was met with critical acclaim, scoring an approval rating of 96% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. It grossed $521.3 million worldwide, won the 2008 Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, the 2009 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form,[3] the final Nebula Award for Best Script,[4] the Saturn Award for Best Animated Film, and the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature as well as being nominated for five other Academy Awards at the 81st Academy Awards. WALL-E ranks first in TIME's "Best Movies of the Decade".[5]
The film is seen as a critique on larger societal issues. It addresses consumerism, nostalgia, environmental problems, waste management, the immense impact that humans have on the Earth, and the direction that the human race is headed.

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Wednesday 14 August 2013

Pakdam Pakdi-Like Mango in urdu

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pakdam Pakdi-8th August 2013 Episode in urdu

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Pakdam Pakdi-Mad Shopping in urdu

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Tuesday 13 August 2013

Chota Bheem-Raging Bull in urdu

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Monday 12 August 2013

Motu Patlu-Chamatkari Mukut in urdu

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Motu Patlu-Boxer's Baby in urdu

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Friday 9 August 2013

Chota Bheem-Up Up And Away in english

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Thursday 8 August 2013

Chota Bheem-The Talking Tree in urdu

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Wednesday 7 August 2013

Bee in urdu

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Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) is "just an ordinary bee" in a hive in Sheep Meadow, Central Park in New York City. Barry recently graduated from college and is about to enter the hive's Honex Industries (a division of Honesco Corporation and owned by the Hexagon Group) honey-making workforce. With his best friend Adam Flayman (Matthew Broderick), Barry is initially very excited, but his latent, non-conformist attitude emerges upon finding out that his choice of job will never change once picked except Barry B. Benson. This prompts Barry to leave the hive and see the world on a daily run with the macho, elite "Pollen Jocks", though Adam tries to talk Barry out of it. He thoroughly enjoys his new freedom, and is impressed by the process of nectar collection and pollination, but after being stuck to a tennis ball during a game and flying through a panicking family's car he decides humans are crazy and that he should go home. Unfortunately, it begins to rain and he crash lands on a windowsill. The apartment's occupants, the same couple who hit Barry with the tennis ball, have just come home and they close the window before Barry can escape. After freaking out the people inside and nearly being squashed, he is rescued by a florist named Vanessa Bloome (Ren�e Zellweger) and gently put back outside. This unexpected act of kindness intrigues Barry, who goes back in to thank the woman even though doing so violates Bee Law #1, "Don't talk to humans". Against both of their expectations, they develop an instant bond, bordering on attraction, and start hanging out together frequently. Of course, all of their friends and family are upset by this relationship.
While they are going through a grocery store, Barry is shocked to discover that the humans have been stealing and eating the bees' honey for centuries and decides to journey to Honey Farms, which supplies the grocery store with its honey. On the Honey Farms truck, he meets a mosquito named Mooseblood (Chris Rock). A windshield wiper flings the two in a tube and Barry tells Mooseblood about Honey Farms while Mooseblood tells him about how humans have always swatted mosquitoes. Mooseblood departs when he sees a Blood Mobile pass by, while Barry goes on to witness the artificial process by which the honey is gathered. He ultimately realizes that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey. This is later shown on Hive at Five's especially on Bee Larry King starring a bee version of Larry King (in a cameo appearance). The trial initially goes well, until the main defense lawyer, Layton Montgomery (John Goodman), goads Adam into stinging him by accusing Barry of several things which are insulting to the bees (having a pet-like relationship with Vanessa, being an illegitimate son, since all bees are sons of the queen bee, and having incestuous flirtings with the female bees, since all bees are siblings) to show the less-lovable side of bees. Barry counters by producing the smoke-machine used by Honey Farms to drug and subdue their bees.
Barry wins the lawsuit, and all honey in the world is confiscated and returned to the bees. However, Montgomery warns them they are disrupting nature's balance meaning that the bees quit their jobs, which Adam comments to Vanessa that it might be true since bees had been living their previous lives over 27 million years. Too late, Barry and Vanessa realize that they were right: The sudden, massive stockpile of honey has put every bee out of a job, including the vitally important Pollen Jocks. Without bees pollinating the flowers, all plant life begins dying with the entire food chain close behind. To set things right, he and Vanessa find a way to save all the flowers by going to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California and bringing back with them all the pollen-filled flowers to re-pollinate the world. Barry and Vanessa fly the flowers as luggage on a flight from Los Angeles International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport. The flight begins to take a detour due to lightning, and the delay would be fatal to the flowers. Trying to intervene, Barry accidentally knocks out the terrified pilots. Vanessa joins him and tries unsuccessfully to fly the plane. In the meantime, millions of bees have rallied and arrive at the last minute to help them safely land.
Armed with the pollen of the last flowers, Barry and the Pollen Jocks manage to reverse the damage and save the world's flowers, restarting the bees' beloved honey production. Nothing is mentioned about the fate of companies like Honey Farms, though humans and bees are seen treating each other visibly better, and honey is supposed to be 'Bee approved'. Barry becomes a member of the Pollen Jocks while Adam is working as a krelman, helping to pollinate the plants while running a law firm inside Vanessa's flower shop, as well as helping Vanessa, switching the name from "Vanessa's Flowers" to "Vanessa & co: Flowers * Honey music and* Legal Advice." As the film closes, his office door reads "Insects at Law." Mooseblood works in his office with him as a lawyer (stating that he is already a bloodsucking parasite and only needed a briefcase), which is shown when Barry is interviewing a cow about the human exploitation of her milk.

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